
A British Airways passenger was stuck in his seat for 3 hours after landing and had to be taken out of first class with a hoist

‘I can’t believe we’re having this conversation’: the states pushing for 14-year-olds to serve alcohol

'Go get your money': This man on TikTok went viral after revealing how to find — and claim — lost funds that your state owes you. Here's the step-by-step to access 'literally billions'

Texas family demands justice for son shot in his sleep after shooter gets 90-day sentence

Italy minister: joining China's Belt and Road was 'atrocious' decision

A Teenage Boy Decides To Make A Difference After Seeing His Classmates Bullied For Wearing Dirty Clothes

MSNBC Anchors Crack Up At Ron DeSantis’ Latest 'Cringeworthy' Moment

Italy just slammed China's trillion-dollar Belt and Road Initiative, saying it was an 'atrocious' decision to join and that it's barely benefited from the deal

Apple's New iOS 16.6 Update Fixes iPhone Security Flaws

‘After prayerful consideration,’ KC-area Catholic school kicks boy out to punish his mom | Opinion

Chinese internet panics as clueless man swims toward poop ejected by another man in pool

Putin reviews show of Russian naval might, says navy to get 30 new ships this year

This is why you randomly wake up at 4 a.m. (and how to fall back asleep fast)